After the whole debate ended,
we went to drink water cooler from A.C.S
hahaha,we were crapping that if drink some of the water from A.C.S,
we will be smart :D
Alight at kovan mrt station with some usuals,
and we went to white tangerine for our supper.
I order waffle with ice-cream,
and some others ordered root beer float and chocolate brownies with ice-cream.
Alright,we waited for more than half an hour just for our food to be served.
Like,are they so busy? wadever it is.
We had a very great chat :D
I tasted rachel's brownie,
the first few times i tasted is nice.
But after that,
there is a disgusting feeling that you would want to vomit because it's too sweet.
After about 12am,we went to macdonals to have our fries after white tangerine.
We talked about random things at macdonals.
About 12.30am,we went to bus - stop to take bus home.
But we are worried that there will not have any bus as time is very late now.
The bus-stop,
is completely silence.
A moment later,we saw the bus coming and *waves* and here we board the bus.
Reached home,
shower and sleep :D
I was like completely tired,
because before i went for the debate.
I was having speech day rehearsal and i reached home about 5.30pm.
Prepared and rushed to school at 7pm.